The definition of perseverance is as follows, the steadfastness in doing something despite the difficulty or delay in achieving success. The definition of optimism is as follows, the hopefulness and confidence about the future or successful outcome of something. I believe that the trait perseverance best describes the Age of Reason and optimism best describes America today. What do you think of when you hear the word perseverance? To early Americans perseverance meant fighting for a better tomorrow. They had to persevere and fight a country they had originated from to be successful with getting the freedom, fairness, and equality they craved and desired. Even when food and supplies were low and patience was tested they still fought. After
You can hear the murmurs of people as the walk through the market. There is one shop ran by a girl who is pretending to be a boy because her father was taken to prison and needs to earn money for her family. The definition of perseverance is steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. In the book, The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis perseverance is demonstrated throughout the book by the main character, Parvana. Parvana demonstrates perseverance in many ways throughout The Breadwinner.
It can be said, but not denied, that the United States of America is one of the most powerful countries in the world today, and has been for arguably the last one hundred years. With its political agendas and military strength it shapes governments; with its social trends and values it shapes cultures. But what, exactly, shaped the United States? The various worldviews that have sprouted from Western philosophy is the most obvious answer, but, to be more specific, it is how those worldviews were adopted that were of the most significance. Whether it was the strict nature of the Puritans, who can be held responsible for the widely-held fear of sexuality, drug-use, and various other topics in America; or the revolutionary ideas of the
The American Dream is described as "crucial" and "woven through politics,Music and culture." It's also thought that if you work hard you will achieve your goals, But many think that the American dream is in jeopardy. The section "Uniquely American" is mainly about how people in other countries such as Germany don't think success is in there control it's also about how americans think the dream is dying. The Second section "A Long History of Optimism" is about how Celebrities and presidents represent the "American dream" such as president Obama being the first black president.The third and last section "Skepticism Grows" is about would could happen if the dream dies and is not restored. It then goes on to end with questions such as "can the
In the novel The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway the main character, Santiago, shows many examples of perseverance. Santiago works very hard but gets very little in return. But he doesn’t give up, even in his impoverished condition. He still tries. He goes fishing every day even though he catches little to nothing. Another example of perseverance is when Santiago finally has a fish on his hook but can’t get it up without losing it. He then stays out for a few days persisting that he catches the marlin. And the last example is how the boy never gives up on Santiago even though he has such bad luck.
The Age of Reason and the Present day of America has some characteristics.Both have acts and they respect them. Also having laws helps our social life and the future of America.
The period following the Renaissance focused the human attention toward the beauty of nature. It was man’s turn to be part of the nature and not the other way around. The term picturesque—or “compared to a picture” as Michael Woods defines it — defines new characteristics of the art from this period.
Hope for the future is something that not everybody has. Some people want to destroy the future for their own agendas. “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” This was a quote from Abraham Lincoln. It is true because people may attack us from the outside but we will defend ourselves unless we are fighting on the inside. We need to have unity and peace between ourselves and stop fighting about little things that don't matter like how people judge each other depending on their race or color. We are all the same on the inside.
What is perseverance? Perseverance is the ability to go on when things seem hopeless. It is also a measure of success, or at least how much sacrifice one is willing to make in the name of success. As students, it is impossible to achieve personal success without having a goal, or direction. The goal and direction that often propels us to achieve is perseverance. Perseverance is the ability to forge ahead despite setbacks that threaten to undermine all efforts to succeed.
Today not everyone has much grit as the people living in the age of reason did. In some way shape or form, we are optimistic about the world we live in today or about one another. We need to have strength as a nation.
The Age of Reason was based on facts and science. Thomas Paine, who wrote, thought that religion needed to be less involved with the government. Government should be about the people and what is morally right no matter your religion. There were several guiding principles that our founding fathers followed in order to live a moral life such as perseverance and respect.
When faced with hardships in life, a person is often given two choices, to either give up or persevere. Many people who are faced with these choices choose to give up, these people never got to live life to their full potential. If they would have persevered then they would have eventually overcame their challenge and been able to move on from it. If a person does not persevere they will never be able to move on and will always be ok with where they are at and never grow. This is why a person should persevere, but what exactly is a person who perseveres? In the dictionary, perseverance is defined as a, steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.”
Gratz and Dunbar both exhibit the theme of perseverance in their literature. In Gratz’s Code of Honor, he states “Never give up” on page 38, 40, and more. Dunbar’s Keep A-Pluggin Away says “Keep a-pluggin away” many times in his poem to show the theme. These examples prove that both Gratz and Dunbar want their readers to use perseverance in their daily lives. In the book and the poem, they talk about a person’s struggles and how you should keep going and never give up. Both pieces of literature show that perseverance with help you achieve your goals and beat the hardest obstacles.
Without perseverance humans would give easily and not try to succeed. A quote that would depict this concept is. “Hope is the thing with feathers -That perches in the soul -And sings the tune without the words -
To begin with Parvana showed perseverance in the book the BreadWinner by going to the jail with her mother to try to get her father back.“I am here for my Husband.” “ I am here for my father.” Parvana and her mother was there to get her father when they were not supposed to be outside without a note from her father. This demonstrates perseverance because they are risking their life by going outside and going to the jail when they are not supposed to be outside without a note from her father. (adrienne)
Thesis: To discuss the philosophers who participated and had an affect in The Age of Reason.