
Alan Turing Psychology

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Psychology Throughout “The Imitation Game” Ostracism is very dangerous to a person’s health and can cause detrimental damage to themselves. Throughout the movie “The Imitation Game” Alan Turing has been ostracized all of his life from in school to even as an adult. Since he was much brighter than his peers in school and enjoyed subjects like cryptography they considered him to be different from them and did not acknowledge him except for Christopher Morcom who became his only friend and first love. As an adult at work Turing was still ostracized because since he was so used to being alone he didn’t know how to properly socialize with people or how to work in a group like he was supposed to working for Bletchley trying to solve the Enigma coding …show more content…

The Enigma is a tool used by the Soviets and Germany during World War II to send coded messages that were supposed to be impossible to break. Due to Alan Turing’s genius idea of creating a machine to cycle through the millions of settings on the Enigma; sped up by already known phrases and words helped break the codes saving over an estimated fourteen million lives, and ending the war possibly two years earlier. Alan Turing is considered to be a hero for his war efforts and for the many lives he saved. Alan Turing was not treated like a war hero though. Suspicious cops followed Turing where he was seen handing an envelope to a male prostitute. He was charged with gross indecency and had a choice between jail or chemical castration. Turing decided on castration because he was afraid of losing his beloved decoding machine that he named “Christopher” after his childhood love and friend. Alan Turing committed suicide at the age of …show more content…

Being excluded or ignored by a group of people can be harmful to a person. It can make someone feel that they are alone; that they do not have anyone to care for them or to lean on it times of need. Being ostracized can make someone believe that they do not belong or that no one cares about them, which can lead to low self-esteem and depression causing one to often question taking their own life. Ostracism can cause one to go to extreme measures to gain attention such as; bullying, becoming violent, self-harm, homicidal, or suicidal. Everyone strives for attention and is a basic need for living. People need to feel that they are loved and that they belong. People are often ostracized for being different and not fitting in with the crowd; however, instead of praised for being unique and different they are excluded to feel worthless. This forces people to believe that they ought to conform to society’s standard in order to fit in and gain worth. People can be ostracized for their religion, sexual orientation, sexuality, personality, brains, social class, and even how they look. Like Alan Turing, many people are faced with ostracism because they are different forcing them to feel like they have no option but to commit

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