
Albert Einstein's Journey to Become one of the Most Well-Known Scientists in History

Decent Essays

He grew from nothing and became one of the most well-known scientists in the world. Albert was considered a very lazy person and even ignorant; although he was very smart, he was bored with what he considered old ideas and concepts. Without graduating high school Einstein applied for entrance into a polytechnic institute in Zurich, Switzerland. After two tries he finally gained entrance and graduated with the same bored attitude to the irritation of his professors. None of which, expected him to succeed (“Albert”). Albert spent seven years reviewing patents and inventions while earning his doctorate and most importantly, thinking. Albert Einstein was destined to change the world with his Theory of Relativity to his discoveries in the scientific world. Born in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany to Hermann and Pauline Einstein, Albert Einstein immediately began life with his family in a tough situation. Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 (“Physics”). Soon after being born, the family had to relocate to Munich, Germany, because his father had lost his job in Ulm. In Munich his father found work with Albert’s uncle and together founded a company manufacturing electrical equipment. As he grew older, he became bored with his school courses (“Physics”). Later on, struggling without references from his professors, Einstein finally acquired a job at a patent office. He thought about how things worked while doing his job review other’s work. Einstein studied James Maxwell’s theories of

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