
Alcohol Related Accidents Essay

Decent Essays

Alcohol Related Accidents

Someone in America dies every twenty-two minutes, because of an alcohol related accident. Most people feel that they will never be part of this statistic, but experts on this subject say that everyone has a forty percent chance of being in an accident with a drunk driver. Drunk driving is a serious problem that the United States, as well as the world, is trying to deal with, because it does not only effect a select few, it effects everyone. Drunk driving amongst high school students is an enormous problem that the United States is trying to cope with. Many programs have come to surface over the past few years, that educate students on this situation. MADD, mothers against drunk driving, is a non profit …show more content…

Even if the person appears to be fine and there is no one to drive their car, call a taxi. The amount of money that it costs does not even compare to how priceless a life is. Many little things come into affect when you are socially drinking and it is better to be safe then sorry. Children always are afraid that their parents will be upset with them if they are intoxicated. One hundred percent of parents would rather have their kids home alive and drunk, then get in a car with a drunk driver and run the risk of death. Driving drunk impairs everyone and no one is immune to it. Driving an automobile while under the influence of alcohol is one of the most dangerous things a person could do. This is because they are not only dangering themselves, but the other drivers on the road. There is no safe way to drink and drive. One drink may complicate a person's ability to drive a vehicle. It has been said in some reports that drinking heavily can even impair a person's driving in the morning after they wake up. These two organizations are leading the way in the harsh battle to stop people from drinking and driving. The best way to stop this horrible epidemic is to make people aware and to educate them. These two groups as well as many others are trying to do so. They promote parties on weekends for kids to go to, just so they are not in danger of drunk drivers. Many schools around the country have clubs to try and help prevent

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