
Alcoholism Brain Reward System Essay

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Commonly referred to as alcohol use disorder, alcoholism is the most severe form of alcohol abuse. It involves the inability to manage drinking habits (Galbicsek, 2016). Individuals who suffer from alcoholism feel as if they cannot live without consuming alcohol. Signs of alcoholism may include craving alcohol whenever you are not consuming, feeling the need to keep drinking more, and putting alcohol above responsibilities. Alcoholism comes with short term and long term effects. Short-term effects may include reduced brain activity and slow reaction time. Long term effects may include liver disease and bone loss (Galbicsek, 2016).
Alcoholism can be caused by nature or things that we are born with. One thing that can cause alcoholism is the brain reward system. Marcus Heldmann and other scientists did an experiment consisting of deep brain stimulation in order to see the effect it has on our brain reward system. Using the DSM-IV criteria for alcoholism, the scientists found an individual who met the criteria. In order to do the experiment, scientists modified a gambling task. Two numbers, 5 and 25, were presented to the patient. After selecting a number by using …show more content…

Twin studies of alcoholism have examined the increased risk of developing alcoholism in identical twins of alcoholics and in fraternal twins of alcoholics. Kaiz conducted a twin study and the results were as follows: 61% of identical co-twin of twins who were alcoholics were registered. Also, 39% of fraternal co-twins who were alcoholics were registered. A ratio of 9.1 for male MZ twins of registered co-twins and 6.2 for DZ co-twins represents the risk (Heath, 1995). Hrubec and Omenn looked at the medical records of twins and the results were as follows: 2.6% of identical twins and 3.1% of fraternal twins were treated for alcoholism (Heath, 1995). Although the percentages are small, the percentage of having a risk of alcoholism is not equal among

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