
Alexander Hamilton

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“ I Consider Napoleon, Fox, and Hamilton the three greatest men of our epoch, and If I were force to decide between the three, I would give without hesitation the first place to Hamilton (Kaplan 284)”. Those are the words of prominent French diplomat Charles Maurice De Talleyrand after spending a year in the United States. Those words of respect came because of the actions and influences that Alexander Hamilton had on a young United States that still have an effect today. Hamilton helped shaped and interpret the United States constitution and set up the financial system that lead to the United States rise to a global power.


Hamilton was born in 1757 on a small island in the British West Indies. At the Age of …show more content…

At the Annapolis Convention, Hamilton was called upon to create an address that was to be sent to all states, calling for delegates to be sent to Philadelphia convention. The Philadelphia convention ultimately resulted in the new Constitution for the United States. Hamilton had little influence on writing the constitution and felt like it was still not 100 percent optimal to his view of a strong central government, but signed it anyway as a delegate from New York. In Hamilton’s eyes it was much better in his eyes then the Articles of Confederation. Even Though the constitution did not align with Hamilton’s views perfectly, he championed the ratification of the constitution. Hamilton along with James Madison, and John Jay then authored a series of papers that became known as the Federalist Papers. These Papers supported the ratification of the New Constitution. After the Ratification of the Constitution, Alexander Hamilton was chosen by President Washington to be the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. As the First Secretary of Treasury Hamilton’s influence and decisions would help shape the direction of the new United States of America.

As the Secretary of the Treasury Hamilton faced the difficult task on how to make the United States a “Major Commercial and Military Power” (Foner 295). In

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