
Standardized Testing And Its Victims Summary

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Since the implementation of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), schools and society have taken a different perspective on how to assess the student‘s progress. Schools are forced to make decisions based on assessments and how to show adequate yearly progress (AYP). Alfie Kohn points out that, in some cases, our students have become victims of standardize testing. In his article, Standardized Testing and Its Victims (2000), he demonstrates how testing have become detrimental to our students instead of helping them. He outlines these detrimental issues with eight facts.
Standardized testing has gotten out of control and has become more of a detriment to our students. Students are being forced to follow a curriculum that prepares them for only …show more content…

Norm- referenced tests that were developed to rank students and not rate students are being used to gauge the quality of a student or a school district. Kohn (2000) outlines this in fact three and seven. Schools have even taken this ranking to degrees of making it part of a graduation requirement, fact six. A single test should not make a determination of a student’s ability to do well in a school or social setting. Making this a requirement for graduation or promotion is summarizing a student’s performance from the time they have started school to the point in which the test was given. This can be detrimental to those students who cannot take a test or even those who have the ability but refuse to reconstruct it for testing purposes.

Another victimizing point, fact four, Kohn (2000) points out is that standardized testing will measure superficial thinking of the student. This entails that the students are guessing or skipping hard questions and not engaging in learning to make the connections. These tests require a lot of out of the box thinking and most of the information cannot just be memorized. Due to this critical thinking, schools and specialist condemn giving standardized test to students younger than the age of 8 or 9 (Kohn, 2000, fact five).

Kohn (2000) describes fact eight as excellent educators leaving the field because of the high demands the accountability and standards. This is discerning

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