
All Quiet On The Western Front And Night

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Long Essay #1 In the two books we read in class, All Quiet on the Western Front and Night we see that the two world wars of the twentieth century produced unprecedented destruction to human life. We see this because in Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front, he says that after witnessing bodies getting blown up, people getting shot, things burning down and loud noises every day, he was forced to realize that he no longer belonged to the society that he came from. He realized that he now belonged to the world of war and that even if he tried to go back to his home, there would be nothing left for him to go back to. Throughout the books he makes references that his family becomes the people he was fighting with, even the people he was fighting against because they were the only ones who understood what he was going through (Remarque, 1929). He and his family no longer kept in contact and so he was basically in the world alone with no practically no loved one to lean on. The same goes for the Ellie Wiesel’s Night. Ellie gets taken away from his family and forcibly put into a concentration camp in which he never knew existed. The camp life was harsh and brutal. He saw sons killing their fathers for food and people dying every day simply for the lack of water. He was forced to do hard work and take long journey’s in which had the intention of killing him and his counter parts because they were Jewish. He no longer spoke to his mother or sister and his father had just died.

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