
Always Running By Luis Rodriguez Sparknotes

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People should not be labeled as who they are from the outside but from the inside. In the autobiographical story book “Always Running” the author (Luis J Rodriguez) wrote about his childhood memories and his teen years. He put many situations in his book such as when he goes to school, joining in gangs, and see his surroundings when he was a toddler. He also explains different problems he had during his life. He had many difficulties at school, at his gang hangout, and public areas. In his town there were many problems such as drugs, rape, gun shooting and gangs. In the book, there are two different gang groups that goes against each other. Luis was part of the gang violence. Luis Rodriguez is a sympathetic character in “Always running” because …show more content…

Early in the story, we learn that he wasn’t a good person, a good father, and a good son. He also explained one time in his life, he was admired what a group of people did in his school that would lead to his doings. Luis Rodriguez wrote “A crew of mean people got out, armed with chains, bats, metal pipes and zip guns… I froze as the head stopping came dangerously my way. But I was also intrigued. I wanted this power. I wanted to be able to bring the whole school down to its knees and teachers squirm” Pg 42. This quote shows off how much anger he have when he was little and the path he chose to be in gangs. He could have chosen the path of his brother Rafa to be good in school and play sports. Early in the story, people were mean to Luis at school, at the park and the streets. One specific part that made Luis who he is when his mother, his brother and himself went to the park. Luis Rodriguez wrote,“ The American women yelled “you don’t belong here! Understand? This is not your country!” Pg19. This quote shows off how much Luis was influenced that the Latino community didn’t have the same rights, free to do something and being heated from their race. The anger he had from the woman got stuck in his mind, but when he saw the crew that terrorized the school, his anger manipulated him so he could do the same as the crew did. He was just a kind boy that had a bad influence of his

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