
Ambition In Macbeth

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A thane and his wife go through anything to get what they want in Macbeth by William Shakespeare. As Macbeth , and his friend Banquo come back home from a successful battle he encounters three witches who give them 3 prophecies. Macbeth was astonished by the prophecies they gave him, both which became true. As he told the news to Lady Macbeth, his wife, she convinces him to kill the current king, Duncan. Macbeth then proceeds the murder of the King, leaving him as the new king of Scotland. Meanwhile, Malcolm and Donalbain, Duncan's sons leave Scotland. Macbeth now lives in fear and jealousy of Banquo so he hires 3 murderers to kill him and his son. He succeeded killing Banquo but his son Fleance escaped. Macbeth then receives 3 more prophecies …show more content…

After Lady Macbeth reads the letter sent by Macbeth which explains the two prophecies the three witches gave him, she turns sour. Masculinity is tied to courage and ambition which Lady Macbeth wants. Wanting to become like a man she cries “Unsex me here, / And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full / Of direst cruelty!” (1.5.40-43 ) to gain the courage to kill the king. She cries for the courage the man has to consume her body. Macbeth in the beginning of the play starts off as a honorable man but after hearing the prophecies he starts to deteriorate his morality. He continuously tries to convince himself that he doesn’t have to do it but obviously fails over and over again. Having no motivation to kill Duncan anymore he says “ I have no spur / To prick the sides of my intent, but only / Vaulting ambition,which o’erleaps itself, / And falls on th’other - ” (1.7.25-28) leaving him with only ambition to inspire him to do the murder. Ambition is his energy now which later on makes him kill everyone in his way. In Act 4 Macbeth goes in a killing rampage. Showing no mercy for Macduff’s family and servants, Macbeth says “From this moment / The very firstlings of my heart shall be / The firstlings of my hand.” (4.1.146-148) making him do whatever to get what his heart desires. He will do whatever to make him …show more content…

Many political leaders such as Hitler were very ambitions. Hitler seeked more and more power . He killed and blamed anyone who got in his way. He blamed the jews for the cause of WW1 and executed billions of them to get what he wanted. Macbeth killed the king, his best friend, a whole family, and many of the older generations who started to go against him just to get what he wanted. He wanted more power that he already had which eventually lead him to death. Some people don’t know when to stop to get what they want. It could be considered an addiction to some extent. ( add more but i don't know yet

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