
Ambition Is Bad When Mixed With Unchecked Morals

Decent Essays

Have you ever Read or Watched the play “Macbeth Written by Shakespeare”? I have and in the play a soldier Named Macbeth and him and his wife Lady Macbeth kill the king so Macbeth can take his place.In this Essay i will be telling you why i believe. Ambition is bad when mixed with Unchecked morals and how it grows throughout the play. In the beginning of the play the theme is. “Ambition is bad when mixed with unchecked morals”. I believe this base off the evidence im am going to share with you. The first piece of evidence is when in 1.3 Macbeth says “ So far the witches have told me two things that came true, so it seems like this will culminate in my becoming king”. This shows the theme because in this quote you can see the Macbeth is very ambitious and he believes that he deserves to and will be the king. You can also see its mixed with unchecked morals because he only focused on himself. Another piece of evidence is when in 1.3 Macbeth also says “ why do I find myself thinking about murdering King Duncan”. This piece of evidence shows the theme because you can see his Ambition leads him to thoughts of murdering King Duncan you also see his unchecked morals by him thinking of doing such bad things. …show more content…

Evidence to support this Theme are. When in 2.2 Lady Macbeth said “The same liquor that quench their thirst has fired me up. Listen! Quiet!. This shows the theme because You can see how excited she is to become more powerful. Her unchecked morals are the fact she doesn't care that they’re killing a man to accomplish this. Another piece of evidence is when in 3.1 Macbeth says “ I hate him so much that every minute he’s alive it eats away at my heart”. This shows that Macbeth’s Ambition drove him to hate another man so much it hurts his heart. Evidence of his unchecked morals are the fact that his solution is

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