
American Culture In The 1960's

Decent Essays

“The 1960s were advertising's ‘coming of age,’ when the industry mastered the language of TV, appropriated the medium of photography and produced work of unprecedented creativity.” (“History: 1960s.”). Smoking everywhere, drinking hard liquors, harassing women and cheating on wives was not considered as a bad manner in the 60s. The first episode of MadMan conquered me with dissimilarities that were acceptable in the 60s and are not much tolerable in our time. American culture in the late 50s and 60s was created with a blended mix of icons such as TV shows, fashion, and ads. America was full of prosperities and disillusions that were bounded tight together. There was a fine line that was slowly dividing society into two parts: an accustomed …show more content…

The first scene begins with a bar overview, where the main character is smoking a cigarette, trying to come up with an original idea for advertising a “Lucky Strike” tobacco company. There was not a scene where a cigarette was not lighted up. Everybody smoked – women and men, before and after sex, in elevators, at work, during business meetings and doctor’s sessions. Smoking was a trend that symbolized power, wealth, and fashion. 1960 s was a time when everything can be sold, just by doing it in a correct and memorable way. Advertisement companies achieved a phenomenal success by linking market products with emotions and feelings. Being smart, sarcastic and have a non-ordinary sight on things will make anyone a sought-after in the Madison Avenue world. Don Draper is that person, he has the power of creating unforgettable and effective advertising campaigns for his clients. He had to create a slogan for a tobacco company despite the raising awareness of bad health problems that are linked to smoking. He effectively deals with his mission, even though he was concerned earlier as he struggled with ideas. Still, business is an ocean full of sharks, a junior executive Pete Campbell, arrogant and insecure, shadows Draper and willing to take a turn for Don’s position right after he

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