
American Flag Research Paper

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Unfortunately, we live in a society in which the American flag is not treated with the correct respect and is shamefully and dishonorably treated. According to Megan Hickey and Laura Santhanam, 4,435 soldiers died in the Revolutionary War. In the War of 1812, 2,260 soldiers died. Over 13,000 soldiers died in the Mexican War. Almost 500,000 died in the Civil War. In World War I, 116,516 soldiers died. In World War II, 405,339 soldiers died. Over 54,000 died in the Korean War and over 90,000 soldiers died in the Vietnam War. Almost 7,000 soldiers have died while fighting against terrorism. Whenever someone steps on or disrespects an American flag, these deaths which total over a million are belittled. This does not even include the veterans who were injured while fighting. …show more content…

Every father. Every mother. Every brother. Every grandfather. Every single person who dedicated their lives to fight for the rights of Americans is disrespected and their sacrifice is belittled when someone treats the flag with a lack of reverence and honor. Through social media, I have seen different forms of disrespect that Americans have given to the American flag. People have stepped on and walked across the American flag. People have burned the American flag. People have used the American flag as toilet paper. People have placed other flags above the American flag on a flagpole. Individuals may be mad. They might be angry about the current government or the society. However,they do not have the right to disrespect any person who has served protecting that right to be angry, that right to say what they want. The people who are disrespecting the flag are Americans who were born and raised in the United States. So be mad. But do not disrespect the American flag that my grandfather, my uncle, and thousands and thousands of men and women fought to

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