
American Imperialism

Decent Essays

1. Define imperialism. Imperialism refers to the establishment of dominant and exploitive relationships between a political entity, such as a nation or colony. 2. What were America's early experiences with imperialism before 1899? America’s first experience with imperialism is with the Native Americans, The Native Americans had many treaties with the Americans to keep their land, which American changed forcing them to retreat losing all their land. Another experience with Imperialism is the annexation of Hawaii, same with the Indians went back on a treaty and annexed them instead. 3. What caused or pushed America to become an imperial power? During the time racism was a big thing in the world and Americans thought that white people were far superior than other races. Also, they wanted to spread their religion across the entire globe. 4. Why and how did Hawaii become a US territory? During the war with Spain, Hawaii presented itself as a strategic location between the West Coast and the Spain controlled Philippines. President McKinley withdrew the treaty accepting Hawaii as an US State and instead decided to annex them. With them being annexed only a majority vote rather than two – thirds required for treaty ratification. With over a quarter of the Senate backing out the resolution passed and Hawaii became a US state in the 1900’s. 5. "Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain!". What does this statement mean and what impact did it have on America as a propaganda tool? When

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