
American People In The 1980's

Decent Essays

1980 to 1989 was a period in the United States which spurred hope for the economy and in the spirits of the people. The 1980’s were a decade of the American people standing together in tragedy and rejoicing with each other in victory. At the end of the decade, the fall of the Berlin Wall also marked the end of an age of oppression overseas. America cheered for the freedom of her brothers and sisters in Germany. One of the highlights of the 1980’s was the substantial growth of the economy through Reaganomics. The television show Family Ties depicted an average family at the time with a range of beliefs and ideals among the family members, who supported each other despite their differences. Why was this time in America so great? The people of …show more content…

Stalin’s control of East Germany produced nothing but poor living conditions. With the Allies managing West Germany, the state prospered and attracted many people of East Germany for the job opportunities provided. Stalin did not see West Germany as the people did and resurrected a wall in the dead of night between August 12th and 13th, 1961, separating families with no warning. There were four versions of the wall, each built to be stronger than the last. As stated in their Berlin Wall timeline, the final one was twelve feet high of concrete and almost four feet thick, topped with a steel pipe and barbed wire. Men in over a hundred and fifteen watchtowers guarded from people crossing over the wall, several hundred of whom died. The Berlin Wall served as a constant reminder to the western world of the hand of communism. Yet, through all of the threats, the American people held faith that the military would protect them from communism. Americans of the 1980’s thrived on a patriotism for their free country and did not fear The Iron …show more content…

Ronald Reagan advocated for the removal of the Berlin wall, as best portrayed when he famously said on June 12th, 1987, in his speech before the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin Germany, “General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” President Reagan strove to bring freedom to all people, not just to his own. He strove to abolish big government systems like communism and bring justice to ordinary citizens. Along with President Reagan’s efforts, statements Gorbachev made and the East Berliners rioting in protest of their government contributed to the fall of the wall. Still, the fall of the wall shocked the world. On November 9th, 1989, the government of East Germany declared that the wall would be open. At first, people of East Berlin could not believe the news, but after the truth settled the people rushed to the other side. Some five hundred people crossed before the Berliners began tearing the wall down to be reunited with West Germany. Meanwhile, America watched the event on television, celebrating the freeing of a repressed people and the dissolving of a totalitarian system. Though the fall of the Berlin wall did not affect the majority of the American population on a personal level, optimism for the future surged. After forty-four years of Cold War, the

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