
Post Cold War Research Paper

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The integration of international communications and trades, the flourishing peril of global terrorism, the surge of HIV/AIDS, the growing poverty in developing countries, transnational crimes and nuclear weapons – all are hallmarks of a germinated 21st century outlook for alteration and adjustment. Given many menaces to national security in the post-Cold War and especially post-9/11 terrorism, Americans now understand that the security of their homeland greatly depends on civilization, freedom, and development beyond other nations. Since Congress passed the Marshall Plan in 1948 and the Foreign Assistance Act in 1961, the U.S. has been well-known worldwide for its commodious overseas contribution. Nevertheless, this renown is inevitably …show more content…

We did not reach it, and have never reached over 0.2% until now. In spite of the fact that the number of dollars was the greatest, we have proportionally spent the least of all other industrialized nations. In March 2002, President George W. Bush proposed an increase of 50% aid for the next three years. The Bush administration, however, did not make the U.S. generous in giving away its so-called “excessive wealth.” That 8-billion-dollar economic aid out of 15-billion-dollar total was, according to the Congressional Budget Office, less than a month of war with Iraq (Lancaster 10). All sub-Saharan Africa received only 1 million, about the cost of a B-2 bomber. Would we trade a B-2 bomber for a chance to double aid to sub-Saharan Africa? If everyone in the U.S. gave up one soft drink a month, we could double our current aid to Africa. If everyone gave up one movie ticket a year, we could double our current aid for Africa and Asia (Heath 78).
For many years, the U.S. has cut back on its promised obligations and responsibilities to help the cause of development aid. Between 1990 and 1993, U.S. exports to developed countries grew by 6.2%. In contrast, during that same period, U.S. exports to developing countries grew by a remarkable 49.8%, yielding 46 billion dollars more and 920,000 jobs in the United States (Atwood). Assistance cuts hurt America’s

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