
America's Part in Terrorism Essay examples

Decent Essays

The argument Chomsky makes in his book “Power and Terror” is that the United States is actively participating in terrorism. In many interviews, speeches, and conferences where Chomsky is involved, he makes reference to this point of view. The United States of America does participate and contribute to what most Americans would consider acts of terror. Webster defines terrorism as the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes. This explanation of the word terrorism accurately defines what the United States does on a fairly regular basis. They use their exceptionally strong political and military power to manipulate other, smaller, weaker countries to do their bidding. Yet when something remotely …show more content…

Think of Lebanon, Nicaragua and Turkey. Their country’s systems have been interfered with by the United States on separate occasions for the sole excuse of the “War on Terror.” Does American interference actually settle any of the countries problems? Does it benefit the balance of peace in the world? Does it make any sense to attack developing countries? The answer to all these questions is emphatically no. One can only wonder about the reaction of American citizens if any country attempted to interfere in American domestic policies in the name of the “War on Terror”. The United States clearly does not have a right to intervene with matters that are not their own. The fact that they get slapped on the hand by the World Court, reject any kind of violation of regulations and continue doing what they are doing is just insanity. Chomsky merely points out the extreme blatancy of what is happening. In a way, his arguments are senseless. Senseless in the fact that people actually debate over them. This mayhem America is inflicting on nations and civilizations is real; it is fact. A key example of the US partaking in this terrorism is the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982. Chomsky states that “the United States gave the green light, provided the arms, and provided the diplomatic support” [3] The US fundamentally allowed Israel to slaughter many people. Not only providing the weapons needed to

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