
Amontillado Mood

Decent Essays

In “The Cask of Amontillado” is about a man names Montresor who wants to get revenge with impunity. He wants to get away with what he is doing so he tricks the man to come with him and even though the reader thinks they know what will happen Fortunato, the man who is going to be killed, does not. Poe puts multiple insightful parts to create a creepy feeling to the story and to give the reader hints as to what is going to happen without saying it. In “The Cask of Amontillado” Edger Allan Poe makes the mood foreboding by using dialogue and sensory details. One way that Poe really establishes the mood is by using dialogue. On many occasions in the story Montresor hesitates on bringing Fortunato to the catacomb but Fortunato continues to say …show more content…

When Montresor finds Fortunato on the streets during Carnival he tells him that he has Amontillado and uses reverse physiology to get Fortunato to come with him. When they leave Fortunato puts on “…a mask of black silk, and drawing a roquelaure closely about my person. And suffered him to hurry…” Montresor makes it obvious that he does not want anyone to see him with Montresor and the reader realizes this but Fortunato is so drunk is oblivious. When they finally get to Montresor’s palazzo none of the workers are home so there are no witnesses. Montresor bring Fortunato to where all of the wine is stored and “took from their scones two flambeaux, and giving one to Fortunato, bowed him through several suites of rooms to the archway that led into the vaults…Passed down a long and winding staircase, requesting him to be cautious as he followed.” The setting went from the brightly colored, loud, populated streets to an underground, musty, dark catacomb which makes the story creepy. Also even though Montresor is bringing Fortunato down there to kill him he tells him to “be cautious as he followed” which is dramatic irony because Fortunato thinks he is being serious and only Montresor and the reader knows he is not. Montresor and Fortunato are walking through the catacomb and “The

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