
An Analysis Of Ivan Coyote Ted Talk And Black Faces In White Spaces

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RAP IV The authors in “Ivan Coyote Ted Talk” and “Black Faces in White Spaces” discuss current, significant issues and establish their ethos in particularly similar ways. During the Ted Talk, Ivan Coyote proposed his reasonings as to why gender-neutral bathrooms are needed in today’s society through personal experiences and experiences of others. Miatta Williams also renders her personal growth experiences to reveal that prejudice is prevalent in all parts of America and that it should be taken seriously. Rhetorically, Coyote appeals to his audience by allowing the audience to step into his life. Coyote explains to the audience how as a trans person he struggles to do normal things people do daily, such as use the restroom in a public place. He presents the issues trans people encounter by recounting personal experiences through a story telling manner. The audience can relate to and be more invested in such an imperative subject when discussed in the way Coyote discusses his matter. For example, Coyote recounts a conversation he had with a little girl who is also dealing with gender identity issues in her environment. Telling the little girl’s story about her hardships makes the audience realize that gender-neutral bathrooms are important to the younger generation as well (Coyote). However, Coyote includes humorous statements during his serious talk that lighten the mood when discussing sorrowing experiences. The audience laughs but also understands the seriousness of the

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