
An Example Of Suspense In 'Monkey Paw'

Decent Essays

SUSPENSE STORY Have you ever been to a part in a book or movie that was very suspenseful? The reason I am writing this essay is because I want to tell readers about how different stories have suspense. An example of suspense is when you are reading an interesting book and then it starts to get good, then something happens and it shocks you. That is an example of suspense. Read some more examples of suspense in the rest of the story.Suspense is a literary device in the horror genre. Here are some examples of suspense that I found in the book Monkey Paw.The first example is “She was watching a mysterious movement of a man outside trying to make up his mind.” (line 76) This explains that this causes the reader to feel uneasy and wonder if the man has bad intentions.The second example is “What that cry of the old women, A RAT, A RAT passed a loud knock resounded through the house”. (line 60) This explains to the reader that it creates suspense because the reader is fairly confident that it is Herbert.The third example is “It's Herbert she screamed, don't let it in, the old man cried if he could …show more content…

The first example is ‘I put in a dark lantern all closed so that no light shone out and then I thrust in my head”. Line 4: This creates suspense because the reader is confident that there is something in the dark room. The second example is “When my thumb slipped upon the tin fastening and the old man sprong up in the bed crying out who’s there”(line 6)The reader is wondering if he is scared of the man or not.The third example is “It grew louder,louder and still the men chatted pleasantly and smiled, was it possible they heard no, no,no!They heard they suspected it! They know. they know! They were making a mockery of my horror”(line 18) This causes suspense because it is trying to say that they are trying to make the reader nervous about what is gonna happen next with the noise that is happening at the

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