
An Important Roles Of The River In Siddharth The River

Decent Essays

Siddhartha; The river
The river and the ferryman play an important role in Siddhartha. What does the river represent in the story? Your essay should begin with an introduction that clearly states the thesis you will argue. The remainder of your essay should analyze at least three pieces of textual evidence in order to show your reader why you think the river means what you've claimed it means.
The scientific definition of a river states that a river is a natural stream of flowing water in a channel leading to the sea, a lake, or another river. The world “flow” was used thus showing how a river moves in a continuous stream. Almost replicating life and how it flows in different directions and paths until it eventually goes back to where it once was. A river has no start or end and so is life. Thus I will argue that the flowing river in the story represents the flow of life.
A very important quote in Siddhartha states that, "The river is everywhere at the same time, at the source and at the the ocean and in the mountains, everywhere, and that the present only exists for it, not the …show more content…

Stay near it! Learn from it! Oh yes, he wanted to learn from it, he wanted to listen to it. He who would understand this water and its mysteries, so it seemed to him, would also understand many other things, many mysteries, all mysteries." The Ferrymen, pg. 81. Here Siddhartha makes an important point in which he understands now that he must learn from the water in order to uncover its mysteries. Once he understands the river he realizes that he will be able to uncover everything’s mystery. As mentioned before the river is everywhere all at once thus it makes sense that uncovering water’s mysteries will eventually uncover everything’s mysteries. This also applies to life and how understanding, admiring and listening to life can help uncover the true secrets of everything and

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