
Nursing Home Utilization Of The Latino Population

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The paper is based on an interview with a healthy, non-institutionalized elderly Latino man in relation to the current nursing techniques. The focus on this individual helps to investigate the relationship between the race/ethnicity, psychosocial characteristics and the United States nursing home utilization projections. Notably, focusing on the individual aged 65 years and above helps analyze the characteristics of the baby boom generation in its entrance to retirement age. Consideration of this group in the field of nursing helps to promote accommodation of this group in the general American society. Notably, the population of people aged 65 years and above, according to the statistical projection, is expected to increase from 40.2 million as per 2010 statistical findings to 72.1 million in 2030. The rapid population growth rate means that the number of people in need of health services assistance will increase over the years (Aranda & Bob, 1997).
Additionally, ethnicity diversity in the United States’ population has been on the increase. The population of Latino’s aged 65 years and above is expected to increase from 2.8 million observed in the year 2010’s statistics to 2050’s 17.5 million people. Considering the growing size of the elderly Latino population including long-term formal care utilization helps the nurses to understand the perception and utilization of long-term care to enable working
NURSING CULTURAL "INTERVIEW" PAPER3 towards a culturally appropriate care

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