
An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge By Ambrose Bierce Essay

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For readers, there is a certain level of engaging and compelling material that is demanded from a story, for the time spent reading to be justified. The narrative structure in Ambrose Bierce’s “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”, if to be fully understood requires and deserves a vast amount of attention to detail. Once the narrative structure behind the plot is acknowledged and comprehended, only then can the story truly be justified for what is it is: a complex, multi-layered and cleverly deceiving story. The amount of detail put into creating Peyton’s fantasy, whilst still subtly keeping in touch with his harsh reality, is what makes the story so engaging; never has a short story so craftily danced between the lines of reality and fantasy, only to keep the reader so profusely deceived, until the very end. Peyton Farquhar’s journey calls into question his own reality, as the story seamlessly, yet craftily, jumps back and forth between the past, the present, his fantasy and his own demise. The story, depicted through the third-person, begins in which a man, soon to be revealed by the name of Peyton Farquhar, is depicted standing upon a bridge, somewhere in northern Alabama, during the Civil War. “Bierce chooses the only point of view possible for concealing Farquhar 's death - a first necessity if he wishes to mystify us”, author Daniel Samide explains; for the third-person narrative is truly the only way in which the story could be told, whilst still retaining

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