
A Good Man Is Hard To Find By Flannery O Connor

Decent Essays

Reading Flannery O’Connor short story “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” I thought about how different she is from my grandmother. My grandmother is wise, caring and is also a Christian. She is a very hard worker, puts her family first, and provides for her children and grandchildren when we are in a rough spot. My grandmother is currently taking care of her brother who has had a stroke, as well as her son. In this story, the grandmother is deceitful, very selfish, and was an inconvenience for her family. In this story, the grandmother tries to persuade her son, Bailey, and his family to go to Tennessee for a vacation, but they still go to Florida. On their way to Florida, the grandmother tells old stories about her life in Georgia, they stop at a restaurant to eat. After lunch, the grandmother convinces them to go see the old mansion in the woods. She realized it was the wrong route and the cat jump out and caused a wreck. A car drives up with the misfit in it and she witness her family die in front of her with her being the last to die. In the beginning, the grandmother selfishness is shown in the first sentence. “The grandmother didn’t want to go to Florida. She wanted to visit some of her connections in east Tennessee and she was seizing at every chance to change Bailey’s mind (O’Connor 337).” She tries to be deceitful by jangling a newspaper in front of Bailey that says a misfit is on their way to Florida, which he ignores. it was not their wellbeing she was concern for.

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