
Analysis Of A Separate Peace By John Knowles

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A Separate Peace The novel begins with an older Gene remembering what happened at Devon fifteen years ago. Gene and Finny go to Devon School during WWII. Even though they are friends , they are very different. Finny is the top well-rounded athlete who can get talk his way out of anything, while Gene is the studious, shy kid. Finny comes off as a jerk and thinks he has to be good at everything. It is quite difficult to understand Finny and Gene’s friendship. Finny creates a secret society and in order to be in it you must jump from a tree limb. Finny and Gene are both afraid of denial, change in time passing. The way they see things and the way Gene presents himself isn’t reality. Gene has trouble finding his inner peace throughout the novel. …show more content…

Gene begins to compete and have this hatred towards Finny, but in reality he is just competing with himself. One day the secret society go outside to the big tree where they have to jump from and Finny, the super athlete loses his balance and “falls”. Finny breaks his leg pretty bad. To an extent, Gene realized he is the one that caused it. He jounced the tree branch and caused Finny to lose his balance. But he is not quite sure why he did it. Was he jealous? Was it because he thought Finny hated him, but in reality, was it Gene hating himself? Dr. Stanpole tells Gene it's a miracle Finny will be able to walk, but that Finny could say goodbye to sports forever. Gene is now sort of forced to become athletic, with Finny coaching him, so Finny can live sports through Gene. At this point, Gene will kinda just do anything to keep his friend happy so he runs every morning and trains to get in shape for the Olympics Finny wanted to compete in but now will be

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