
Analysis Of Balzac And The Little Chinese Seamstress

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Written by Dai Sijie, and published in english in 2001, Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress is a contemporary piece with a classical story. The book is about a boy, known to us as “The Narrator,” and his friend Luo. It takes place in communist China. Luo is the son of a well known dentist, while the Narrator is the son of a lung specialist and a consultant in parasitic disease. Due to their parents’ education and status, the boys are sent to a mountainous village to be re-educated. While there, the boys live in treacherous conditions and live life, similar to that of Sisyphus, but instead of a boulder, they carry sewage. The Narrator possesses the skill of playing the violin beautifully, while Luo was graced with a story telling ability. While being re-educated, they become acquaintances with The Little Seamstress, eventually becoming more. They begin to read her stories, which they steal, and begin to put their lives in danger. By then, it gets interesting. One major scene that showcases their actions is when Luo has to tend to his sick mother, pages 158 to 160, leaving the Narrator watching over the Little Seamstress. Within this passage, the Narrator’s usual tone drastically changes into a militant attitude which reveals that when he is put into a position of power, he conforms to the idea that he should be emotionless and straight to the point, similar to how a communist would take charge. This also reveals that he is not much different from what he hates

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