
Analysis Of Broken Windows Theory

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According to James Q. Wilson and Geroge Kelling in their theoretical article piece "Broken Windows," the Broken Windows Theory concludes that if disorder goes untreated in neighborhoods, the fear of crime goes up in citizens and police officers, and more disorder will lead. The focus on police officers obligating to socialize more personally with its citizens in neighborhoods leads to citizens having more favorable opinions of the police and for residents to feel more secure. In effect, those residents would think that crime has been reduced in their neighborhood. Although with the practice of personal socialization [foot patrol] for police officers its citizens in neighborhoods, crimes rates have shown no decline in crime, however, citizen's perception of police officers and their neighborhoods grow favorable."

The function for policing of the Broken Windows Theory is for police officers to use the tactic of foot patrol and socializing more persistently and effectively with citizens in neighborhoods, and perform an "order maintenance" function. This function enables to gain trust and reduce fear in the citizens. Moreover, police officers attempt to care to pay more attention to detail to citizens to maintain order. Geroge L. Kelly illustrates this theory in his work of law enforcement. He describes his area of work, "run down" regarding the heart of Newark [New Jersey.] His approach of work was "order maintenance." He illustrates, "As he [Kelly] saw his job, he

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