
Analysis Of Chris Mccandless In Into The Wild, By Jon Krakauer

Decent Essays

An extremely young man named Chris McCandless was the one who ventured into the wild on an expedition to isolate himself from a corruptful society. Most of his decisions and choices were poor and this ultimately led to his downfall. However, he has left a major impact on many people around the world and his story has been adapted into many films, documentaries, short-stories, and novels. One person in particular, Jon Krakauer, an American writer and mountaineer, tells of Chris’ life story and his legacy in his own version. In the non-fiction journalistic piece of writing, Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer characterizes Christopher McCandless as content and adamant. Firstly, one adjective to describe Chris McCandless can be content. His contentment …show more content…

For example, as Gallien remembers, “‘There was just no talking the guy out of it. He was determined. Real gung ho. The word that comes to mind is excited. He couldn’t wait to head out there and get started” (Krakauer 6). McCandless shows how adamant he is as we read that he is not the one talking about himself being determined, but, in fact, some of the people he just met are confirming this adamant attitude that Chris displays. Another example could be when Chris “McCandless’ sights were fixed unflinchingly on Alaska” (Krakauer 66). Adamance is displayed in that it also adds that “[h]e talked about the trip at every opportunity” as well as “sought out experienced hunters around town and asked them for tips on stalking game, dressing animals, curing meat” (Krakauer 66-67). As shown above, Chris conducted research of where he wanted to go and never thought about dying so that he could better prepare himself for this trip. This shows his determination and that he did whatever he could to be prepared. Overall, this is an excellent example of how Chris is adamant and how engulfed he really was in this decision. He never gave up, nor did he turn back. Chris always stuck behind his choices. As shown in Chris’travels, being adamant can be both positive and negative for a person. It helped Chris as he had dreams and felt the urge to chase them as far as he can go. However, it harmed Chris as he was so determined that he went into the wild unprepared and unfortunately, died

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