
Analysis Of Daniel Keyes's Flowers For Algernon

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In the story “Flowers For Algernon,” by Daniel Keyes, Charlie Gordon, a man with an IQ of 68, gets an operation to triple his IQ and make him a genius, but after a few months, his brain starts deteriorating and he becomes dumb again. So, was Charlie better off before or after the operation? Well, before the operation, Charlie had his friends, not knowing that they were laughing at him; he hadn’t known what it felt like to be smart and how it felt like to lose it; and he was overall happier and more innocent, so even though the story doesn’t show a lot about his life before the operation, it seems like he was happier before the operation. First off, soon after Charlie becomes smart, he realizes that his best friends, Joe Carp and Frank Reilly, and the others at the factory where he worked, aren’t truly his friends. On page 293, Charlie writes, “It’s a funny thing I never knew Joe and Frank and the others liked to have me around all the time to make fun of me.” He feels sick and doesn’t go to work for a few days. He quits his job soon after and says that he had never been so lonely. Yes, before the surgery, his friends had been laughing at him, but at least he had thought they liked him for himself. At least he thought he had friends. He had been happy. And now, he’s not smart anymore, but he still remembers the emotional things he went through. He lost both his intelligence and his friends. Now, it is true that after Charlie becomes dumb again and goes back to work, Joe and

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