
Analysis Of ' Drawing The Line '

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Drawing the Line:
Self Interest that Drives a Big Pen

Countries were in shambles and vulnerability was heightened as the years of World Wars came to an end. The chaos among several countries had claimed the lives of many people and left cities in ruins. Germany was seen as the aggressor and enemy from both World Wars. Germany had demonstrated its immense power and determination to dominate other countries and world powers (9). In the aftermath of WWII, Germany was torn apart, and this helped create a spirit of camaraderie, as sharing a common enemy brought the United States and Russia together. However Carolyn Eisenberg illustrates through, “Drawing the Line: The American Decision to Divide Germany, 1944-1949,” that the spirit of …show more content…

The Soviets did not want Germany to be divided. Russia was especially adamant on wanting to keep Germany down, in fear of it potentially rising to power again, but the United States was not quite on the same page with that desire. The French also became apart of the conversation as they were against reconstruction of Germany (9). It seems like the only entity that wanted the division of Germany to take place was the United States, and it was all out of a need for market control, power and dominance. American administration assumed that Germany’s presence was vital in pursuit of goods in the global market. With an emerging economic crisis in 1947 in Western Europe, the United States was on edge. If German productivity failed to increase, the United States could face potential downfall as free markets could vanish, severely impacting the U.S. (9).
In the United States, there were two types of people in regards to what happened with Germany. There were the conservatives who mainly wanted to focus on the economy and global markets, and there were the New Dealers who were less insistent on global markets and capitalism. The New Dealers seemingly won out. Director of the Central European Division, Freeman Matthews, collected and organized a memo, which highlighted the four D’s of American policy, which were said to be objectives in order to dismantle Germany: deindustrialize, deNazification, decartelization and demilitarization (37).
The Soviet Union was

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