
Analysis Of Ephesians 5 : How Deep Can Love Go? Who Would You Die?

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How deep can love go? Who would you die for? Christ loves us so much that he died for all of our sins, giving him the right of headship over us. The passage I am writing about is Ephesians 5:21-33, Paul writes these verses to serve as a reminder that a Christian marriage includes husband and wife to be subject to each other. He also emphasizes how we as the body of Christ are to be subject to him, because he suffered for us and deserves our submission. These verses tell of the unity and submission needed between husband and wife, compared to the relationship of Christ and the body of the church.
The Apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Ephesians during Paul’s Roman imprisonment from 60-62 AD. At this time Paul was writing for the churches …show more content…

This passage is preceded by verses talking of needing to be filled by the Holy Spirit. And this flows into the passage of husbands and wives based off of four aspects. First, using hymns and songs to address each other, then heartfully singing to the Lord. Next, is to give thanks to God in everything we do, and lastly bringing us to the start of the passage is submission to each other through Christ. This passage focusses on the submission of wives to husbands and husbands to wives. Following these verses is submission of children to parents, fathers to children, slaves to masters, and masters to slaves.
Verses 21-24 talk about how the marriage relationship is modeled by submission. Not only should we submit to our spouses, but we should do it through the respect of Christ. There is a degree to which wives should submit to their husbands, this is compared to the spiritual submission of husbands to God. Marriage needs to be Godly through the Christian relationship, lived out the way God intends. Authority in marriage is based on headship, husband over wife, just as Christ is head of the church. Following what God shows us, wives should submit to their husbands with confidence and belief that the Holy Spirit is leading them in his right direction.
Moving on to verses 25-28, Paul talks about Christ’s love. As Christ gave himself for the church so should husbands to their wives. Christ’s love is shown through the

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