
Analysis Of Homer 's ' The Iliad '

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World Literature Midterm Essay

Many literary characters experience some sort of change in their story that changes the trajectory of their motives and development. In Homer’s epic poem The Iliad, there is a humongous amount of conflict due to the Trojan War, but the characters surrounding it make the story appealing. One of the most captivating characters of his piece, however, is the demigod warrior Achilles. Even when he is missing in action throughout the middle of the epic, he is still one of the most interesting characters in the piece due to his character background and development throughout the story. Homer does this in such a way so the reader/listener can sympathize with him and the Greek army, even when he is committing horrible acts of violence. Clearly, Homer’s The Iliad is actually a response to the violent world surrounding Achilles, due to how he and his loved ones are ultimately affected by it and his sad but necessary response. One of the main reasons Achilles is seen as a sympathetic hero to so many readers is his relationships with other characters. Homer uses each of his characters and makes them have different types of relationships with different characters. With Achilles, he has many different relationships, from amicable to hateful. One of the most interesting relationships he has, however, is his relationship with his comrade Patroclus. Patroclus is loyal to Achilles and the Greeks, and is naive, putting Achilles in a mentor role. This,

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