
Analysis Of How America Went Haywire

Decent Essays

In “How America Went Haywire”, a chapter out of Kurt Andersen’s book Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire--A 500-year History, Andersen argues that America has bred its own sense of reality and fantasyland of such that has had an impact on the way people think and act. Americans believe that they are exceptional and superior to everyone else and therefore they do not have to listen to what experts and facts have to say. It is all opinions and feelings that America bases their own reality on. Andersen writes this chapter and book for all Americans because he believes that everyone has taken part in the falsification of reality. He mainly focuses on tailoring his argument for an audience who may be victims of a fantasy-like reality, which …show more content…

The first article that seemingly strengthens and furthers Andersen’s main claim is from an online newspaper title Astana Times. The Astana Times is a reputable source of news for the Republic of Kazakhstan and although it is not important where it is published, it is important that it is a reputable source that connects with “How America Went Haywire” in a certain way. In the chapter, Andersen states that there are many factors that have contributed to this new way of thinking but one of the most prominent has been the advancements in technology and social media, “The second change was the onset of the new era of information. Digital technology empowers real-seeming fictions of the ideological and religious and scientific kinds”(Andersen 2). People can believe in anything they want and they can find the “facts” to back up what they believe in online. Even if they believe in something that has been proven not to exist or be reality, one can find some phony information on the internet that will back up their ideals. In the Astana Times, there is an article about how technology has spurred people’s irrational perception of reality titled “Social Media: Shaping the Way We See the World or Shaping the New World Itself?” This article does not have a specific author but is composed by many different people on the website itself. The article talks about how the ease at which how an “average joe” can compose something on social media leads to a lot of

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