
Analysis Of Ignorance Is Bliss By George Orwell

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The maxim “ignorance is bliss” is explored by both George Orwell and Ray Bradbury in their counter-cultural literary texts, warning of the possible dangers in future western society. Orwell and Bradbury both use a variety of similar and differing techniques to illustrate their respective protagonists’ struggle against an oppressive government and dystopian society. The narrator’s point of view is used to describe both worlds in which the oppression of each society is prevalent and directly related to the struggle of their protagonist characters. Both authors signify their own struggle in society by using characterisation and imagery to directly create the both contrast and conflict between the perspective of their protagonists and that of their …show more content…

Orwell and Bradbury use this technique to position the reader to empathise with the protagonists’ struggle. During the first of three ‘acts’ in both novels, the protagonists question their society and display hatred for what they believe is oppressing them. As this happens, the reader reciprocates such emotions; just as these protagonists know only what is fed to them, the reader is only subjected to Winston or Guy’s perspective. In this way, Orwell encourages the reader to feel hatred towards Big Brother when Winston writes “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER” (Orwell, pg. 20), as the limited perspective has already positioned the reader to identify with Winston’s opinions. Similarly, Bradbury manipulates the readers to view the firemen critically during Guy’s enlightenment, “last night… I suddenly realised I didn’t like them at all” (Bradbury, pg. 87). Having only Guy’s perspective on the dystopia he inhabits, allows only his thoughts to be shared with the reader, comparable to Winston’s relationship with the reader. The relationship between the reader and narrator continues as Orwell and Bradbury explore the different outcomes of the struggle against oppression. Guy is overcome with enlightened knowledge and wisdom, “He hadn’t known fire could look this way. He had never thought in his life that it could give as well as take.” (Bradbury, pg.

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