
Analysis Of Income Inequality

Decent Essays

The topic I chose to analyze is income inequality. According to the New York Times, even though an individual attend college it doesn’t guarantee that they will acquire income equality. I feel that most income equality is due to racial discrimination. According to the New York Times, education supposed to be the best way to balance the income gap. “Income inequality have grown between white and black workers since 1979, even when you factor in the fact that black workers education level and work experience has increased to match the much needed workforce” (The Editorial Board, 2017). Another area of income inequality is between genders. The pay gap is tight between white and black women/men. For instance, white men will always earn more than black men even when white men are uneducated. Black families have a tougher economic future because of not always having a nest egg (savings, investments, etc.) to fall back on when times become hard. …show more content…

Rebalancing of income inequality is possible, but I feel it will be very difficult. Racism and sexism are deeply rooted within the American culture. The evolution of income inequality has been in the world since the beginning of human existence. Throughout history, income inequality has destabilized society. Income inequality is basically survival of the fittest. If the income inequality continues, then economic growth will become untenable. Families that have to deal with income inequality due to lower wages, have to go in debt maintain their basic needs. By families constantly being in debt it keeps them from accomplishing their long-term goals of saving and consuming without

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