
Analysis Of James Joyce 's Araby Essay

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James Joyce was an Irish novelist and poet in the early 20th century. Joyce was the writer of “Araby”. A stoty published in 1914, in which the writer preserves an episode of his life, more specific when he a young twelve years old boy. But was does the word “Araby” means? According to, “Araby” is an archaic or poetic name for Arabia. In addition, the story is about a boy who falls in love with a woman, she is the sister of one of the boy’s classmates. The name of the woman is never revealed in the story. Throughout the story, she is called “Mangan’s sister.” The boy is constantly watching Mangan’s sister’s door. Joyce is representing a perspective where the boy is a worshipper. He just talked with her once; the boy says to the woman that he will bring something from the Araby bazaar for her, but he returns with nothing. In addition, “Mangan’s sister” is presented as a divine image, resembling the Virgin Mary. When “Mangan’s sister says that she can’t go to the Araby bazaar because she has a retreat week at the convent, is also inferring that she is related to Catholicism. Joyce is showing his devotion to Catholicism, couple with the education that the family gave to him, in a Jesuit school. Also, it is shown that the author is pointing out real life experiences, because the narration of the story is in first person. As a representation of Joyce’s real life experiences, "Araby" is a key to understanding Joyce’s perspectives of Catholicism about Mangan’s sister

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