
Adam And Eve's Dilemma

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Adam and Eve’s Dilemma in Eden The tragic fall of humankind could be considered heroic according to well-known author John Milton. Book IX of Paradise lost portrays this sense of heroism through the sins of Adam and Eve, but also creates a sense of controversy through the unexpected personality swap between Satan and of God. This literary work is a major contribution to biblical and literary history; therefore a reason why this work is still read today. The poem must turn tragic, and Milton asserts his intention to show this great fall is more heroic than the tales of Virgil and Homer because of the humanity scope it entails. The word tragic has two meanings in Milton’s mind. First, it carries the meaning of something terrible or bad. Since before the Middle Ages, Christians have considered the fall of Adam and Eve a tragic story. On the other hand, tragic also refers to the literary concept of tragedy. “However, throughout Paradise Lost, Milton more often portrays Hell and Paradise as states of mind— the seat of these emotions” (Silverman, 85). He invokes Urania, the Celestial Patroness, and asks for her to inspire his words during his sleep. He values her guidance because he fears he is too old and lacks the creativity needed to accomplish the task all alone. He hopes to remain focused on his ultimate and divine task of portraying this story in a new light. Throughout Book IX of Paradise Lost, Milton creates a sense of moral dilemma through sympathizing with the Devil

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