
Analysis Of Julius Caesar 's ' The Spring Of 58 Bc ' Caesar '

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In the spring of 58 BC Caesar took up his duties as a governor of Cisalpine and Narbonese Gaul, in an effort to launch a successful political career. Caesar could not choose a better moment in history to execute his undertaking; the whole of Gaul were about to be plunged into a savage war.
“If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it.” Julius Caesar
Caesar knew that he needed a prestige of military conquest if he was ever to consolidate his hold on power; he risked his own life, and his family fortune, by raising four new legions at his own expense, and against the categorical wishes of the senate, but in the end the risk will pay off. Caesar took it for granted that the liberation of Gaul from the tribes invading from the north, was also a conquest of it. He wasted no time, and reorganized it under Roman authority, with the pretext that in no other way it could be protected. (Durant, 1972).
When the smoke and dust started to settle down over the conquered Gaul town of Alesia (52BC), Gaius Julius Caesar couldn’t yet possibly know, that he just added to the Roman Empire, a country twice the size of Italy, and opened the markets of 5.000,000 people to the Roman trade. (Durant, 1972).
Conquering foreign lands, and incorporating them into the Rome will become a way for the patrician families to ensure the immortality of their names, and the growth of

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