
Analysis Of Langston Hughes 's ' A Raisin Of The Sun '

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In Lorraine Hansberry’s novel, A Raisin in the Sun, it shows heavy correlation to a poem by Langston Hughes titled Harlem. They were both written in times where racial segregation was still prominent. During this era of discrimination, it was extremely hard for blacks to pursue any of their dreams or aspirations. Both Hansberry and Hughes relate to one another because of their race, and being writers during the Harlem Renaissance. In Raisin in the Sun, Hansberry uses many of the themes included in Hughes poem. The Younger family’s dreams dry up, explode, fester like a sore, and sag low like a heavy weight. Langston Hughes’ dreams dried up as did many of the members of the Younger family in “A Raisin in the Sun.” It was especially hard for young African American women to accomplish their goals in such a discriminatory society. “Well – I do – all right? – thank everybody! And forgive me for ever wanting to be anything at all! (Pursuing him on her knees across the floor) FORGIVE ME, FORGIVE ME, FORGIVE ME” (Hansberry 1.1.123). Beneatha finds it extremely difficult to even mention her hopes to become a doctor around Walter, but she built up the courage to speak for herself. Even though she really wants to meet her goal to go to medical school, that dream is likely to dry up eventually. Beneatha isn’t the only family member whose dreams dry up. Walter planned to start a liquor store and to quit his boring job as a limo driver, but things took an unfortunate turn for the worse.

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