
Analysis Of Leslie Mcfadden 's ' The Nightmare Of Racial Hatred ' Essay

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Leslie McFadden is the mother of the eighteen-year-old boy, Michael Brown who was killed by a police officer back in 2014. After her son’s death, Mrs. McFadden has traveled nationally to speak on behalf of her son and seek justice. This past October, Mrs. McFadden shared her testimony at the black studies conference in UT Austin, where she was described as a “wife, fighter, and believer in hope.” At the conference Mrs. McFadden discussed different themes such as the institutionalized racial segregation and violence she and many face in Ferguson. The nightmare of racial hatred is not a thing of the past but a present reality. Her strong will to move forward and to speak the truth makes Mrs. McFadden this generations Mamie Till. Through her personal experience Mrs. McFadden connect with the audience at a level a textbook can’t and encourages them to be vocal against injustice. Themes: Both institutionalized racial segregation and violence are themes that were discussed by Leslie McFadden at the conference that relate to the Civil Rights Movement, Black Power, and urban unrest. Institutionalized racial segregation has been around since, African Americans were brought to the U.S in the eighteenth century. In the case of Michael Brown, the ghettos in Ferguson are the results of institutionalized segregation. Institutionalized segregation is formed by the unjust mistreatment and discrimination a society demonstrates to a group of people. In the United States, African Americans

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