
Analysis Of Malcolm Gladwell 's ' Outliers '

Decent Essays

Malcolm Gladwell is a well-known journalist and non-fiction writer. In our assigned reading materials “Outliers”, Gladwell explores different social and psychological phenomena as well as their implications for businesses and individuals. Gladwell proclaims that success is shaped by external entities which certain individuals are granted precise opportunities and advantages that not everybody is given by fate. However, even though Gladwell’s theory at attaining success holds some validity, he completely avoids and excludes the value of hard-work and determination. The core of success is always within the individual which can be achieved by perseverance through difficult times and setbacks as opposed to solely capitalizing on other people’s hard work and effort. An incident that occurred in my life that I could consider a setback was my heart surgery when I was in high school. I need to have aortic heart surgery done because I was born with a congenital heart condition. Towards the end of my junior year of high school I went to the doctors for a normal checkup and ultimately was told that I need surgery. A little baffled by initial checkup we had scheduled a second opinion about surgery. After meeting with a second doctor that recommend the same procedure. Unfortunately, this meant that I’d have to stop schooling midway through the school year. Fortunately, through some planning and a lot of school work leading up to the surgery I didn’t have to get held back. This means that

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