
Analysis Of Massey 's Immigration Machine Framework Essay

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The influx of low-skilled immigrants to the United States is hurting the hardworking American workers. Today immigrants are much higher skilled than ever before, yet comparing the standard coefficients, it is evident that they are also less educated and therefore less skilled than native workers. In addition, low-skilled immigrants are competing against low-skilled natives as opposed to contributing to the economy in a complementary manner. George J. Borjas, a leading immigration economist, believes low-skilled immigrants are redistributing wealth, accumulating it toward the bank accounts of the wealthiest and taking away from the poorest. These patterns have unfailingly continued and are hurting the American economy and American citizens. That being said, leading immigration sociologist, Douglas S. Massey, argues that immigration is inevitable and whether a wall is built or not, people will find ways to reach where they can best obtain their desired necessities. The question is how to work within Massey’s immigration machine framework, yet preserving and increasing the economic prosperity of American workers. Low skilled workers will maneuver through the system (e.g. family reunion) or simply enter illegally to fulfill the built-in demand for cheap labor. Therefore, the United States needs to hierarchize its immigration structure, solely focusing on high-skilled workers, specifically those demanded by its economy. Although there are many groups that may fit this

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