
Analysis Of ' Mrs. Johnson

Decent Essays

5. The author further reveals Perry’s character as Mrs. Johnson is interviewed and narrates her present and past relationship as Perry’s sister. Mrs. Johnson approached by detectives Nye and Guthrie is questioned on her standing relationship with Perry. As she is interview she remarks on their relationship saying ‘“Im afraid of him”’ (Capote 108) ‘“he doesn’t know we’ve moved”’ (Capote 109). Mrs. Johnson although not specifically inquiring why, describes Perry’s personality as a child. Saying “‘oh he can fool you. He can make you feel so sorry for him’” (Capote 210). Although Perry’s point of view is directly seen throughout the novel, Mrs. Johnson’s remark on his manipulative qualities gives an altered look on the passages before. Leading …show more content…

Everyone but me. And I hate you, all of you”’ (Capote 213). A damaged child with bottled emotions and resentment had morphed into a fury of a man. It was such a fury that scared Mrs. Johnson. It was Mrs. Johnson’s fear that also further questioned Perry’s character, his sanity. That despite the reader’s sympathy created through his narrated battle with morality, the reader is now able to see Perry as the whirling wreck of chaos he so collectively is. A man without calling, developed pride from the uncertainty of his potential. A humbleness never created because he had not the opportunity to fail or fall short of his own believed potential. It was this pride that in his mind gave him the leeway to live outside of law and morality, such demented philosophy fueled by his undying anger. 6. The author uses the allusion of Mrs. Johnson’s closing of the album to convey to the reader Mrs. Johnson’s fear and hope for ending chaos. As though bandaging an aching wound, she “shut the album and switched on the television, but it did not console her.” (Capote 215). Mrs. Johnson troubled by visit of the detectives hopes to forget such encounters had took place. However, ponders on the thought of Perry’s possible arrival. She knew “the front door was locked, but not the door to the garden…When she bolted the door, she had in mind the dead as well as the living” (Capote 215-216). Trebled by albums

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