
Analysis Of Nella Larsen And Young Goodman Brown

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The topic I found interesting was the meaning of space in the stories we’ve read. What is it and how do we explain it? This is useful because when it comes to understanding the meaning of space there isn’t just only one way of doing so. Were able to discover this through the different author 's stories, and poems we’ve read. The stories that I will look into for this paper are “Passing” by Nella Larsen and “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. In both the stories the character 's use these open spaces to hide in and conceal the things important to them.
What does it mean to hide? It means to prevent something from being seen. Putting someone or something in a place where it won 't be seen or found. There are many different ways of interpreting space. For instance, a meaning of space is a place where one feels security and freedom, although in “Young Goodman Brown” and “Passing” they use their space to hide in. The meaning of spaces and places get established through the person-to-place bonds that evolve through emotional connections, and understandings of a specific place. From birth you are routinely brought into a culture where your identity is unsurprisingly given to you. An individual’s attachment to a space and place increases in proportion to its proximity to one’s home and the frequent use of the space. Space is transformed into “place”. Space is used to refer to general/ abstract ideas like home or nation while place is referring to the specific locations

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