
Analysis Of One Flew Over The Cuckoo 's Nest By Ken Kesey

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In everyday life, there is always an unequal distribution of power. More often than not, someone has more power than another. For example, nurses and patients in a mental institution; the nurses have authority over the patients. In the classic novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, by Ken Kesey, Nurse Ratched makes sure that all of the patients are weaker than she is. Since she is clearly the head of the ward, Nurse Ratched is able to control the patients and their actions. However, when an independent, mischievous patient named Randle Patrick McMurphy enters the ward, Nurse Ratched feels threatened. Throughout the novel, McMurphy and Nurse Ratched constantly challenge each other for authority. Nurse Ratched and McMurphy both attempt to …show more content…

McMurphy proves he is familiar with what Nurse Ratched is trying to pull when he states: “‘I’ve known some people inclined to do that. I had this uncle whose name was Hallahan, and he went with a woman once who kept acting like she couldn’t remember his name right and calling him Hooligan just to get his goat’” ( Kesey 46). McMurphy says this to the doctor when the Doctor legitimately accidentally calls McMurphy “McMurry”. By saying this to the doctor, McMurphy proves to Nurse Ratched that he knows what her intent is by mispronouncing his name --- to upset him and to show him who’s boss. However, McMurphy decides to act as if the misnaming is not bothering him in anyway to try to show Nurse Ratched that her hopes of weakening his identity does not work. Not only does Nurse Ratched try to push McMurphy’s buttons in order to show his who’s boss, McMurphy also tries to push Nurse Ratched’s buttons in attempt to gain power over her. For instance, when McMurphy is singing in the latrine one morning, Nurse Ratched quickly arrives to put a stop to his foolish behavior, but is stopped in her tracks when she sees that he is in nothing but a towel. McMurphy tells her that someone took his clothes. Furious, she tells him that he is not able to just run around the ward in a towel. McMurphy, grinning, responds to this by saying: “‘No?’” He looks

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