
Analysis Of Plato's Apology

Decent Essays

“Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.” (Socrates-cite website). Socrates was the wisest person in Athens according to the Oracle of Delphi. In Plato’s Apology we read about Socrates’ journey to find a man wiser than him, his trail, and finally his death.
First we will discuss what the Oracle of Delphi is. The Oracle of Delphi is a shrine for the Greek gods that the pageants worshiped. In the Apology the Oracle of Delphi tells Socrates that he is the wisest man in Athens. Socrates was shocked about this statement so he went on a journey to find a man wiser than him. During his journey Plato goes around Athens and ask the wisest people he knew questions about logic but realized that they are not very wise themselves. This is how it is explained …show more content…

and what is the interpretation of this riddle? for I know that I have no wisdom, small or great. What can he mean when he says that I am the wisest of men? And yet he is a god and cannot lie; that would be against his nature. After a long consideration, I at last thought of a method of trying the question. I reflected that if I could only find a man wiser than myself, then I might go to the god with a refutation in my hand. I should say to him, "Here is a man who is wiser than I am; but you said that I was the wisest." Accordingly I went to one who had the reputation of wisdom, and observed to him - his name I need not mention; he was a politician whom I selected for examination - and the result was as follows: When I began to talk with him, I could not help thinking that he was not really wise, although he was thought wise by many, and wiser still by himself; and I went and tried to explain to him that he thought himself wise, but was not really wise; and the consequence was that he hated me, and his enmity was shared by several who were present and heard me. So I left him, saying to myself, as I went away: Well, although I do not …show more content…

The first charge against him was that he was corrupting the youth of Athens. Socrates responds to this charge by saying “it takes more than one person to corrupt the youth”, and that the youth are eager to learn. The second charge was not believing in the Gods. “But this is just the ingenious riddle of which I was speaking: the demigods or spirits are gods, and you say first that I don't believe in gods, and then again that I do believe in gods; that is, if I believe in demigods. For if the demigods are the illegitimate sons of gods, whether by the Nymphs or by any other mothers, as is thought, that, as all men will allow, necessarily implies the existence of their parents”. (The Apology). The people of Athens only put him on trial to get him to stop pestering

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