
Analysis Of Post Apocalyptic World In Cormac Mccarthy's The Road

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a post apocalyptic world?Would you have the sufficient skills to fend for yourself in barbaric world? What would you do to survive? In Cormac McCarthy’s novel “The Road”is about a post apocalyptic world that has been impacted by global catastrophe, which left the United States in total abysmal . The world is grey , cold , and has a scarcity of resources . The two main characters whose names are the man and boy need to journey to the south region since the northern region is unbearable to live in due to arctic temperature drop.The author gives very little details on the background stories of who or what the main characters did before this tragedy occurred.This novel transcends barriers …show more content…

It can cause mental stress and the deterioration of their health, living in tormentful environments . the characters can since they are mentally drained with hopelessness and grief. An accumulation of the outside world tragic outcome situation. The mere greys the habitats McCarthy’s world in literature invokes pity for the Man and his boy. The man according to the novel has a more difficult time adapting to atrocious environment . he had lived through the before b.c . (before catastrophe) occurred in the united state. Throughout the novel, we clearly see vivid imaginary of flashbacks of the modern world. The boy on the other hand has lived his whole life in anguishes and survival mode. the man seems to have developed a post traumatic disorder, since at all times he is constantly reminded of what once was. His faith in God has morally diminished as time has gone by. The word god is merely a word in the plot .It no longer holds value to its credibility. It takes a step back and shows its reader is it possible to lose faith in humanity to a far extent that they do not believe in anything anymore.For example the author Terence McSweeney from the article “Each Night is Darker—Beyond Darkness': The Environmental and Spiritual Apocalypse of the Road”emphasizes that , “The Road reveals a humanity in inexorable moral and spiritual decline...with a meager possessions through the lifeless landscape ”The author is implying how faith has vanished and the characters the man and the boy have no one but themselves to count on. The characters psychoses of being in a toxic environment damages their sense of hope and faith in god. This expands on the idea almost in a sense of turning psychotic since your view toward society's existence is gone. When people have lived in inhumane conditions they learn how to appreciate the little things more. They become more aware of their surroundings. For example, in the novel “The

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