
Analysis Of Rudolf Laban's Theory Of Dance

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Born in Austro-Hungary in 1879, Rudolf Laban developed a theory that provided a means to exploring and expanding one’s movement vocabulary. Although frequently used in choreographic processes, this toolset helps one explore different aspects of dance improvisation. Worldwide, his theory of analyzing movement has helped dancers grow more creative in their improvisation. When improvising, dancers often use varying levels of structure to control the direction of improvisation, and this particular structure based in Europe is used in almost every setting of dance in academia. Much of our exploration of dance improvisation involved delving into the eight movement “efforts” that Rudolf Laban developed, and these eight effort qualities can be categorized into four different groups: direction, weight, speed, and flow. For direction, movements can either be direct, which means there is intention and thought before every movement, or indirect, where the direction of one movement does not necessarily correspond to that of the next. For weight, movements can be either heavy, which can often be visible or the weight of the limbs and the awareness of gravity and the floor, or light, where a sensation of weightlessness or floating is often used. For speed, movements can either be quick, where movements rapidly progress from one to the next, or slow, where the urgency of time is neglected. For flow, movements can be either bound, where there is a sense of an imaginary outside force acting

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