
Analysis Of St. Lucy's Home For Girls Raised By Wolves By Karen Russell

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“Stage 2: After a time, your students realize that they must work to adjust to the new culture. This work may be stressful and students may experience a strong sense of dislocation. They may miss certain foods. They may spend a lot of time daydreaming during this period. Many students feel isolated, irritated, bewildered, depressed, or generally uncomfortable.” This epigraph comes from the short story “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves” by Karen Russell. Russell uses the epigraph of stage 2 to create the effect and the feeling of tension. Russell shows the development of the girls, and their struggles with their identity throughout this stage. The girls at St. Lucy’s start of lacking human like qualities, and having wolf- like qualities. By the end of the stage most of the girls reject their wolf-like cultures. The author has specific word choices in the epigraph to create the effect of tension. The epigraph uses phrases like “generally uncomfortable” and “a strong sense of dislocation.” This shows the felling of alienation and anxiety, because …show more content…

Russell broadened our impressions on the girls by saying, “The whole pack was irritated, bewildered, depressed. We were all uncomfortable between languages. We had never wanted to run away so badly in our lives…” Russell shows how the girls were perplexed; they were irritated, bewildered, and depressed. All words from the epigraph. Russell uses words from the epigraph to show how the girls did not want to stay there. Russell develops the girls using their actions, “We couldn’t make our sent stick here; it made us feel invisible. Eventually we gave up.” This shows how the girls were learning and they were aware of when to give up, they also felt isolated because they were “invisible”. Russell also says, “I’d bristle and growl, the way that I’d begun to snarl at my own reflection as if it were a stranger.” This shows that Claudette is struggling to find her

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