
Analysis Of The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian

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Individuals around the globe face Injustices every day. They face these Injustices over something they have no control over like their skin color, nationalism and appearance. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie deeply explain the Injustices that Native Americans have faced. More specifically, this book focus on a Native American boy named Junior and how he fought against the Injustices on his reservation. He did this by never giving up, facing discrimination head on and Inspiring people on this rez. Junior fought against injustice by never giving up. Being born as a Native American did not get him a lot of opportunities that other white people had like having a good health insurance due to the poverty on the reservation. In addition to that, he was born with “too much cerebral spinal fluid”(Alexie 01) causing him to have seizures as a kid and basically adding to his already damaged brain. This made him a constant target for bullying on the rez. He was called retard, “hydro head”(Alexie 20) and a lot of really nasty words but he did not let that stop him from doing well at school and being the best version of himself. He also never gave up when things got extremely difficult. Throughout the book, he lost his grandma, his sister Mary, and his dad best friend Eugene. He lost three people in a year. That is an enough to want to give up, to think that things will never change for Native Americans, to drown in alcohol and self-destruct but he did not

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